This works, thanks.

Another similar question based on your question.

Can I use an ajax form submit, maybe using a wicket javascript utility.

I guess I could use jquery but  does wicket have something available.

E.g. as opposed to document.forms[xxx].submit().  Is there some generic
ajax submit I could use.

                this.add(new AjaxLink<Object>("nextLink") {

                    public void onClick(final AjaxRequestTarget target)
                        // Find the dynamic form on the page. 
                        final Object objAtStopTraversal =
HomePage.this.visitChildren(new FindFormVisitor());
                        if (objAtStopTraversal instanceof Form<?>) {
                            // Form found, invoke javascript submit
                            final Form<?> form = (Form<?>)
                            target.appendJavascript(String.format("try {
document.forms['%s'].submit(); } catch(err) { if (window.console !=
undefined) { console.log(err); } }", form.getMarkupId()));
                } );        

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Grigorov [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Submit form from other form onClick

you can submit any form with pure javascript:
this will call the respective myForm.onSubmit() method at the server

at server side you may call directly your methods e.g.
new Form() {onSubmit() {; }} new AjaxLink() {onClick() {; }} no need to call Wicket methods

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Brown, Berlin [GCG-PFS] <> wrote:

> Is there a way to manually submit a form.  E.g. normally we would have

> action handler methods onSubmit (on a button or a form).
> E.g.
> new AjaxLink() {
>   onClick() {
>     someOtherForm.submit();
>   }
> }
> Berlin Brown

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