Dear all

I downloaded HelloWorld wicket application,
I run following commind

 C:\Users\admin\wicket-hello-world > *mvn install *

following is log of mvn

My tomcat installed at d:/tomcat/

which directory I copy from* C:\Users\admin\wicket-hello-world* to *
d:/tomcat/webapp* folder.

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Building wicketHelloWorld
[INFO]    task-segment: [install]
[INFO] [resources:resources {execution: default-resources}]
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}]
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] [resources:testResources {execution: default-testResources}]
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile {execution: default-testCompile}]
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] [surefire:test {execution: default-test}]
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] [war:war {execution: default-war}]
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp[HelloWorld] in
[INFO] Dependency[Dependency {groupId=org.apache.wicket, artifactId=wicket,
version=1.4-rc2, type=jar}] has changed (was Dependency
{groupId=org.apache.wicket, artifactId=wicket, version=1.4-rc2, type=jar}).
[INFO] Dependency[Dependency {groupId=org.slf4j, artifactId=slf4j-log4j12,
version=1.4.2, type=jar}] has changed (was Dependency {groupId=org.slf4j,
artifactId=slf4j-log4j12, version=1.4.2, type=jar}).
[INFO] Dependency[Dependency {groupId=log4j, artifactId=log4j,
version=1.2.14, type=jar}] has changed (was Dependency {groupId=log4j,
artifactId=log4j, version=1.2.14, type=jar}).
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp
[INFO] Webapp assembled in[208 msecs]
[INFO] Building war:
[INFO] [install:install {execution: default-install}]
[INFO] Installing
[INFO] Total time: 5 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Feb 16 13:22:04 PKT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/24M

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