What is the easiest way to get following behavior:

1. When I click a link, a hidden DIV pops-up. The content of the DIV is
loaded via AJAX.
2. While the content is being loaded (it takes a couple of seconds), I need
to show the empty DIV with busy-spinner inside it.
3. The busy spinner eventually gets replaced by the content.
4. On clicking, anywhere other that the DIV, the div gets closed. I have JS
to do that.

I think I will have to extend AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior and override
getAjaxCallDecorator, renderHead and getSuccessScript, may be. But I am not
able to be sure what goes where. Also, If I use simple Link or AjaxLink with

I am reading through these posts and a bit confused on the implementation

1. http://blog.jayway.com/2008/09/26/wicket-javascript-internals-dissected/
2. https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/calling-wicket-from-javascript.html

I am using Wicket 1.4.9.


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