Hi all,

I'm working on a mobile website to be accessed by all kinds of devices, 
including the Nokia N95.
While testing we found out certain links were not working on the N95, while 
other devices and desktop browsers worked fine. I started a tcpdump and 
narrowed the problem to a redirect Wicket performs.

My page is mounted on '/m/mypage' using the HybridIndexed strategy. When 
clicking this link, Wicket enables versioning by redirecting to '/m/mypage.0' 
(or any other number). The redirect however is not absolute, but relative; the 
Location header contains '/m/../m/mypage.0'. Almost all browsers resolve the 
relative part and are redirected properly. The N95 actually performs a request 
using the relative URL, which Wicket doesn't understand, resulting in a 404.

I found some JavaDoc on WebRequest#sendRedirect(String) proposing a solution to 
this problem (although mentioning a faulty container instead of mobile device):

I tried to use this solution, but for some reason RequestCycle.get() returns 
null while inside the sendRedirect method. I tried to figure out why, but the 
whole request cycle and unsetting/detaching is still a bit messy for me.
Anybody know why this is happening, or other solutions to this problem?

Thanks in advance,

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