make sure your authenticate message calls session.dirty() or
session.bind() so that the session itself is persisted.


On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Chris Merrill <> wrote:
> I might have answered my question. I did some refactoring and took out some 
> code from my
> base page class that was calling getApplication(). I didn't need it anyway, 
> and now I am
> not seeing the serialization exception that references my application class. 
> It is not clear
> to me how this caused the problem, as I was not storing the reference - just 
> calling into
> an application method from my page constructor.   :(
> However, I'm now faced with another problem - which is that my session does 
> not appear
> to be serializing the member fields.  My session class, which extends 
> AuthenticatedWebSession
> and implements serializable (and defines serialVersionUID) has one member 
> variable which
> is a string. I set that field when the user authenticates, via 
> AuthenticatedWebSession.
> authenticate() but when the next page goes to get the field, it is null.  My 
> authenticate()
> method is returning true to indicate a successful authentication, but other 
> pages still see
> the session as not authenticated : AuthenticatedWebSession.isSignedIn() == 
> false
> So it doesn't appear to be just my members, but AuthenticatedWebSession as 
> well.
> Note that all of this works fine in the GAE development environment (i.e. 
> locally) but
> not when deployed to GAE.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
> Chris
> On 3/18/2011 10:12 AM, Chris Merrill wrote:
>> I'm trying to get a Wicket app working in GAE.  I had the basics working. 
>> I've read
>> and followed:
>> so I have enabled sessions, turned off resource polling and overridden 
>> newSessionStore()
>> to return a new HttpSessionStore.  I'm deploying in Deployment mode.
>> I had some basic pages working, but now I am getting a serialization error 
>> when the session
>> is serialized - the error is that my application class is not serializable.  
>> I was under
>> the impression that the Application should not be serialized into the 
>> session, so I
>> have proceeded to look for any places I have inadvertantly referenced the 
>> application
>> in something in the session object.  That was easy, because my session, 
>> which extends
>> AuthenticatedWebSession, only has one member - a String. So next I searched 
>> for all
>> usages of my Application class - and found none that are storing a reference 
>> in a
>> member variable. I was looking specifically in pages, but my search covered 
>> all my
>> classes.  Are there other things I might do to cause an indirect reference 
>> to the
>> Application in a page?  Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
>> I've also reviewed the GAE threads here, as well as this:
>> but that doesn't seem to be the same serialization problem I'm having 
>> (though it appears
>> I'll likely encounter it later).
>> I've gone down a number of paths, but now feel like I'm just flailing around.
>> If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them!
>> TIA
>> Chris
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
> Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
>                |
> 919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601
> Web Performance: Website Load Testing Software & Services
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