yes the idea is not to have the huber jar, it's all about this, is the main
feature :)
some guys in the felix maling list suggested me that's actually possible and
supported, it's called WAB, that's a war without /lib (a partially reverse
recursive achronim for A Better War)

I'll go for that tomorrow.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Martin Grigorov <>wrote:

> I'm not an OSGi user but here is what I'll do.
> 1) create a new Maven project with packaging type 'pom'
> 2) combine all wicket jars in one (uber-jar)
>  there are several approaches here:
> 1) maven-shade-plugin
> 2) the way we did it in RC1 with maven-dependency-plugin: see
> Here check that works with simple Wicket app (e.g. the quickstart).
> Creating one big jar with all dependendies is against OSGi idea. The goal
> is
> to be able to replace dependencies without restarting, e.g. upgrade the
> service layer without undeploying the presentation.
> But if you still want to do it:  start adding more dependencies to be
> packed
> in the uber jar (spring, hibernate)
> About WicketFilter:
> - you can use embedded Jetty or Guice Filter
> and org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.FILTER_MAPPING_PARAM (I
> explained this earlier today in another thread)
> - OSGi 4.1+ has the notion of enterprise OSGi and you can use plain OSGi
> gymnastics to do that (I have no experience at all in this)

> Martin Grigorov
> jWeekend
> Training, Consulting, Development
> <>

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