in wicket 1.4 I used an Behavior called OnClickConfirmBehavior to add a javascript confirm dialog:

AjaxLink link = ...
link.add( new OnClickConfirmBehavior(...) );

if I do the same in wicket 1.5-rc3, the javascript confirm dialog never appears.

this has to do with the order, who the behaviors are added to the link component:
in wicket 1.4: the AjaxEventBehavior is added in the constructor.
order of behaviors:
1) AjaxEventBehavior
2) OnClickConfirmBehavior

in wicket 1.5-rc3: the AjaxEventBehavior is added in the onInitialize methods... the above example results in the following order of behaviors:
1) OnClickConfirmBehavior
2) AjaxEventBehavior

is this a deliberate behavior for the AjaxLink in wicket 1.5-rc3? or should the AjaxEventBehavior be added in the constructor?

cheers gab

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