This is of course discussed in the awesome, indispensable, always to
go to, why don't I have this on my book shelve, let's make sure Eelco
and Martijn can have a beer, Wicket in Action, chapter 14.

But since you don't have it, or haven't gotten that far (yet), in
development mode Wicket does everything to make the life of developers
easy—being the reason why we call it DEVELOPMENT mode. Exceptions are
shown in full, Wicket debugger is shown, we check for serialization
errors, we check for errors in the component hierarchy, we disable
caching, we disable compression of javascript, we disable minimization
of html, we show wicket tags and attributes, etc. All these things
take CPU time and make requests slow(er).

In deployment mode we do everything to make the life of the users
better. This means disabling all the stuff that helps developers,
disable component hierarchy checks (only the things that prevent
Wicket from rendering, i.e. fatal errors, are now reported), enable
caching of resources, remove wicket tags and attributes, enable
minimization of javascript, etc. Disabling these things save on CPU
cycles and that makes the requests faster.

Each of these settings can be tweaked to your advantage, for example
you can enable resource watching in DEPLOYMENT mode, to enable
modifications to markup and resources on your production boxes.

Free pro tip:

NEVER EVER deploy your production application using DEVELOPMENT, not
even if you tweaked the settings to your desire. Future wicket
versions will enable more features for developer productivity that
will affect your users. Always tweak the DEPLOYMENT settings to make
it more development like.

Now, buy that book, read it again, put a dog-ear at page 336, stash it
under your pillow during the night and enjoy.


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Pointbreak
<> wrote:
> The differences are implemented in Application.configure(), so check
> there for how deployment and development mode differ. I am not aware of
> any differences in how Wicket handles the component hierarchy. The
> hierarchy in your java-implementation either is or is not consistent
> with the hierarchy in your template files. Wicket doesn't do anything to
> fix or ignore hierarchy issues.
> On Tue, 24 May 2011 10:51 -0400, "Brown, Berlin [GCG-PFS]"
> <> wrote:
>> I noticed with the web.xml configuration, development mode that I see
>> more hierarchy exceptions thrown by wicket.  Basically, it seems that
>> wicket ignores some hierarchy or markup issues in development mode and
>> not in deployment mode.  What are the main differences between those
>> modes and how do I know what exceptions will be thrown?
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