heh, this is a reallly bad idea.

suppose you have textfield<integer> and the user enters "a". that
would result in a conversion exception represented by the feedback
message - which you cleared. so when you call updatemodels() you will
get null set on the model...


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Mike Mander <wicket-m...@gmx.de> wrote:
> With an annotation on my button i can go over the name cluttering issue
> import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
> import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
> import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
> import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
> import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
> import java.lang.annotation.Target;
> @Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
> @Inherited
> @Documented
> public @interface DirtySubmitter {
> }
> and in the form.onValidate
>    @Override
>    protected void onValidate() {
>        super.onValidate();
>        IFormSubmittingComponent button = findSubmittingButtonAllOver(this);
>        if (button != null &&
> button.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(DirtySubmitter.class)) {
>            getSession().cleanupFeedbackMessages();
>        }
>    }
> So this solution is a bit more reusable and flexible enough for me. All
> works now.
> Thanks for your great support.
> Mike
>> onValidate seems a way to go. It leads to a not soo reusable solution like
>> your ReuseManager
>> but it works.
>> I simply override onConfigure in Form and did that
>>            @Override
>>            protected void onValidate() {
>>                super.onValidate();
>>                if
>> (findSubmittingButton().getInputName().equals("backToBasket")) {
>>                    getSession().cleanupFeedbackMessages();
>>                }
>>            }
>> because i use MultiForm and the child forms will be procceeded after the
>> parent i had to override onConfigure there to
>>    @Override
>>    protected void onValidate() {
>>        super.onValidate();
>>        IFormSubmittingComponent button =
>> findSubmittingButtonAllOver(this);
>>        if (button != null && button.getInputName().equals("backToBasket"))
>> {
>>            getSession().cleanupFeedbackMessages();
>>        }
>>    }
>> findSubmittingButtonAllOver is a method in the base form i use
>>    protected IFormSubmittingComponent findSubmittingButtonAllOver(Form<?>
>> form) {
>>        if (form != null) {
>>            IFormSubmittingComponent result = form.findSubmittingButton();
>>            return result == null ?
>> findSubmittingButtonAllOver(findParent(Form.class)) : result;
>>        }
>>        return null;
>>    }
>> Now i have to find a way to provide the inputname of submitting component.
>> Maybe an annotation to the "backToBasket" button is the solution here. But
>> for now the cluttering hard-coded button name is ok for me.
>> Thanks
>> Mike
>>> I checked Form. There is an onValidate. Maybe i can clear the feedback
>>> messages there.
>>> Will try it.
>>>> But if wicket should support it out of the box there is maybe another
>>>> way.
>>>> If we could get a method onBeforeFormSubmit() in form there would be
>>>> an access point to configure validators in all childs.
>>>> In default nothing is to do - means leave form as configured at creation
>>>> time.
>>>> If it's nessecary i could set a flag or something to validate components
>>>> conditional.
>>>> Form.java
>>>> ...
>>>> protected void onBeforeFormSubmit() {
>>>>  if (findSubmittingButton.getId().equals("mySpecialButton")) {
>>>>    setGlobalFlag(true);
>>>>  } else {
>>>>    setGlobalFlag(false);
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> and in Validator
>>>> MyValidator.java
>>>> void validate(IValidatable<T> validatable) {
>>>>  if (!getGlobalFlag()) {
>>>>    doValidation();
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> That would make it possibly unnessecary to store the component
>>>> references in session.
>>>> Or are there other usecases i don't see for ReuseManager.
>>>>> AH.... not to say that I would mind if wicket would handle
>>>>> reusemanager itself.. I wonder if it is there in 1.5? Hmm.. I think a
>>>>> proposal should be added to the whishlist.
>>>>> **
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> 2011/8/12 Martin Makundi<martin.maku...@koodaripalvelut.com>:
>>>>>> The Form way is a quirk way to do it in the first place. You are not
>>>>>> supposed to update model before validation etc. so you will run into
>>>>>> lots of troubles that way.
>>>>>> Reusemanager simply works like wicket normally works when you validate
>>>>>> and repaint the screen with rawInput values. It just keeps those
>>>>>> components and copies the old rawInput value which was persisted
>>>>>> during incomplete submit.
>>>>>> **
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> 2011/8/12 Mike Mander<wicket-m...@gmx.de>:
>>>>>>> Thanks Martin,
>>>>>>> now it works as expected. I don't have a clue how but it is.
>>>>>>> I really would be interested in knowing why the reusemanager gets the
>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>> and the form not.
>>>>>>> I think i will start a debugging session at weekend :-)
>>>>>>> Maybe we should use this scenario and put it in the wiki? Especially
>>>>>>> in shop
>>>>>>> environments it's
>>>>>>> a big frustration point if form values is lost only because i want to
>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>> what i typed in last page.
>>>>>>> And ask the user to provide all data until validation passes is
>>>>>>> decreasing
>>>>>>> the conversion rate :-(
>>>>>>> So maybe others will benefit from the found / working solution to.
>>>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>> This is how you can do it with reusemanager:
>>>>>>>> HomePage:
>>>>>>>> public class HomePage extends WebPage {
>>>>>>>>        public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
>>>>>>>>        Form<Void>    form;
>>>>>>>>                        add(form = new Form<Void>("form"));
>>>>>>>>  form.add(WicketSession.get().getReuseManager().rememberOrReuseAndProvideFeedback(HomePage.class.getSimpleName()
>>>>>>>> + "tf", new TextField<String>("tf", Model.of(""))));
>>>>>>>>        form.add(new Button("doMemorizeInvalidData") {
>>>>>>>>            @Override
>>>>>>>>            public void onSubmit() {
>>>>>>>>                super.onSubmit();
>>>>>>>>                setResponsePage(OtherPage.class);
>>>>>>>>                setRedirect(true);
>>>>>>>>            };
>>>>>>>>        }.setDefaultFormProcessing(false));
>>>>>>>>        form.add(new Button("doUpdateData") {
>>>>>>>>            @Override
>>>>>>>>            public void onSubmit() {
>>>>>>>>                super.onSubmit();
>>>>>>>>                setResponsePage(OtherPage.class);
>>>>>>>>                setRedirect(true);
>>>>>>>>            };
>>>>>>>>        });
>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Reusemanager holder (can be session, can be something else):
>>>>>>>> public class WicketSession extends WebSession {
>>>>>>>>        /**
>>>>>>>>         *
>>>>>>>>         */
>>>>>>>>        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>>>>>>>>        private final FormComponentReuseManager reuseManager = new
>>>>>>>> FormComponentReuseManager();
>>>>>>>>        public FormComponentReuseManager getReuseManager() {
>>>>>>>>                return reuseManager;
>>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>>        /**
>>>>>>>>         * @param request
>>>>>>>>         */
>>>>>>>>        public WicketSession(Request request) {
>>>>>>>>                super(request);
>>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>>        /**
>>>>>>>>         * @return WicketSession
>>>>>>>>         */
>>>>>>>>        public static WicketSession get() {
>>>>>>>>                return (WicketSession) Session.get();
>>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>> 2011/8/12 Mike Mander<wicket-m...@gmx.de>:
>>>>>>>>> That is not working to. I've created a quickstart for this.
>>>>>>>>> Scenario is simplified. HomePage gets the data and has two submit
>>>>>>>>> buttons.
>>>>>>>>> Do i press the "submit" and click back on other page data are
>>>>>>>>> present
>>>>>>>>> (submitted).
>>>>>>>>> Do i press the "invalid submit" and click back on other page data
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> lost.
>>>>>>>>> Here is the code
>>>>>>>>> DirtyForm.java
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
>>>>>>>>> public class DirtyForm<T>    extends Form<T>    {
>>>>>>>>>    public DirtyForm(String id, IModel<T>    model) {
>>>>>>>>>        super(id, model);
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>>    public final void submitTheInvalidDataToMySession() {
>>>>>>>>>       //this seems not to be the complete solution
>>>>>>>>>       updateFormComponentModels();
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> HomePage.java
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
>>>>>>>>> public class HomePage extends WebPage {
>>>>>>>>>    public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
>>>>>>>>>        DirtyForm<String>    form;
>>>>>>>>>        add(form = new DirtyForm<String>("form", new
>>>>>>>>> PropertyModel<String>(new PropertyModel<Object>(this, "session"),
>>>>>>>>> "myBusinessValue"));
>>>>>>>>>        form.add(new TextField<String>("tf", form.getModel()));
>>>>>>>>>        form.add(new Button("doMemorizeInvalidData") {
>>>>>>>>>            @Override
>>>>>>>>>            public void onSubmit() {
>>>>>>>>>                super.onSubmit();
>>>>>>>>>                DirtyForm<?>    f = findParent(DirtyForm.class);
>>>>>>>>>                f.submitTheInvalidDataToMySession();
>>>>>>>>>                setResponsePage(OtherPage.class);
>>>>>>>>>                setRedirect(true);
>>>>>>>>>            };
>>>>>>>>>        }.setDefaultFormProcessing(false));
>>>>>>>>>        form.add(new Button("doUpdateData") {
>>>>>>>>>            @Override
>>>>>>>>>            public void onSubmit() {
>>>>>>>>>                super.onSubmit();
>>>>>>>>>                setResponsePage(OtherPage.class);
>>>>>>>>>                setRedirect(true);
>>>>>>>>>            };
>>>>>>>>>        });
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> HomePage.html
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> <html
>>>>>>>>> xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org/dtds.data/wicket-xhtml1.4-strict.dtd";
>>>>>>>>> <head>
>>>>>>>>> <title>Wicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage</title>
>>>>>>>>> </head>
>>>>>>>>> <body>
>>>>>>>>> <strong>Wicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage</strong>
>>>>>>>>> <br/><br/>
>>>>>>>>> <div>
>>>>>>>>> <form wicket:id="form">
>>>>>>>>>                Value:
>>>>>>>>> <input type="text" wicket:id="tf" />
>>>>>>>>> <input type="submit" wicket:id="doMemorizeInvalidData"
>>>>>>>>> value="invalid
>>>>>>>>> submit" />
>>>>>>>>> <input type="submit" wicket:id="doUpdateData" value="submit" />
>>>>>>>>> </form>
>>>>>>>>> </div>
>>>>>>>>> </body>
>>>>>>>>> </html>
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> MySession.java
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.Request;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession;
>>>>>>>>> public class MySession extends WebSession {
>>>>>>>>>    private String myBusinessValue = null;
>>>>>>>>>    public MySession(Request request) {
>>>>>>>>>        super(request);
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>>    public void setMyBusinessValue(String myBusinessValue) {
>>>>>>>>>        this.myBusinessValue = myBusinessValue;
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>>    public String getMyBusinessValue() {
>>>>>>>>>        return myBusinessValue;
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> OtherPage.java
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
>>>>>>>>> public class OtherPage extends WebPage {
>>>>>>>>>    public OtherPage() {
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> OtherPage.html
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> <html
>>>>>>>>> xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org/dtds.data/wicket-xhtml1.4-strict.dtd";
>>>>>>>>> <head>
>>>>>>>>> <title>Wicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage</title>
>>>>>>>>> </head>
>>>>>>>>> <body>
>>>>>>>>> <strong>Wicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage</strong>
>>>>>>>>> <br/><br/>
>>>>>>>>> <a href="/">Back</a>
>>>>>>>>> </body>
>>>>>>>>> </html>
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> WicketApplication.java
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.Request;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.Response;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.Session;
>>>>>>>>> import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication;
>>>>>>>>> public class WicketApplication extends WebApplication {
>>>>>>>>>    @Override
>>>>>>>>>    public Class<HomePage>    getHomePage() {
>>>>>>>>>        return HomePage.class;
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>>    @Override
>>>>>>>>>    public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
>>>>>>>>>        return new MySession(request);
>>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>>> In your GoBack button's submit method (dpf = false), call
>>>>>>>>>>    form.updateFormComponentModels()
>>>>>>>>>> *Bruno Borges *
>>>>>>>>>> www.brunoborges.com.br
>>>>>>>>>> +55 21 76727099
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Mike Mander<wicket-m...@gmx.de>
>>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Am 11.08.2011 16:54, schrieb Bruno Borges:
>>>>>>>>>>>> You want to go back to another page without having to fill the
>>>>>>>>>>>> form,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> also don't want to lose data you typed in in the previous
>>>>>>>>>>>> screen?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems
>>>>>>>>>>>> weird to me.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you considered to add Ajax update behaviour? onBlur of
>>>>>>>>>>>> components,
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> could update the model of each component.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Bruno Borges*
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.brunoborges.com.br
>>>>>>>>>>>> +55 21 76727099
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mander<wicket-m...@gmx.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Am 11.08.2011 16:36, schrieb Bruno Borges:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Shouldn't you be submitting that button anyway? dfp = true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Bruno Borges*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.brunoborges.com.br
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +55 21 76727099
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mander<wicket-m...@gmx.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i've added a domain model globally to my session.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A form for editing this data is provided on page A. On this i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> submit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> buttons. One with setDefaultFormProcessing false (to previous
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> page)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with true (to next step).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If i press the main submit (next step | dfp = true) then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as expected. If i press the other (previous page |dfp =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> false) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Page A all data are lost. I'm absolutely aware of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> false
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaultFormProcessing is not submitting the data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But because i cannot reproduce the input changed part of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing, i can't submit the invalid data manually. Is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> achieve my goal?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Then i can't goback to previous page without filling the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The scenario is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. goto basket
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. goto checkout (Page A in post) enter some data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. goback to basket (dfp = false) validation should be bypassed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. goto checkout =>       all entered data are present
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But until now with this scenario i lost all data in step 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS: I use buttons to stay in javascript-less mode :-)
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Ajax is not an option - i have to stay javascript-less.
>>>>>>>>>>>   You want to go back to another page without having to fill the
>>>>>>>>>>> form,
>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>  also don't want to lose data you typed in in the previous
>>>>>>>>>>>> screen?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>  weird to me.
>>>>>>>>>>> Not the previous screen. The current screen.
>>>>>>>>>>> I come from basket. I goto checkout. I start typing. I think oops
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>> the option in basket
>>>>>>>>>>> and goback to basket (dfp = false). I check the basket option and
>>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>>>>> let's go on checkout.
>>>>>>>>>>> And on checkout i think - damn all typed data have gone. So i
>>>>>>>>>>> leave the
>>>>>>>>>>> shop.
>>>>>>>>>>> That's the scenario i try to catch.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
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