Im trying to add simple user authorisation to my app with oauth.

in order to authenticate and authorize a user I need to redirect that
user to oauth service, the redirect url contains parameter with
callback url to my app (oauth controller will send response via HTTP
302 - I am not sure if this has any impact, probably I need to read
more about it).
form callback url I can obtain user specific code and then send
another request to receive access_token to authorize all my operation.

(I havent tested it yet so this all theory)
I ve already created a filter to handle callback and do all I need,
then I am sending redirect to wicket app once Im done.

but I think I could create a Page and use it's getPageRelativePath()
as a callback url (something like
http://url_to_wicket_app/callbackHandlerPage) and handle response
there. What do you think?
I ll be inside wicket so any exception will be handled by wicket and
proper error page will be displayed.

another problem is that I need to support more then one aouth service
(like facebook, twitter, etc) so I thought I could add a token value
to callback url (something like
http://url_to_wicket_app/callbackHandlerPage/twitter) and then strip
this token and put it to parameter map.
Is there a way to filter a request before it hits target page using
wicket configuration or should I use custom filter defined in web.xml?

Paweł Kamiński


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