Hi again,

Sorry, it looks like the model object got assigned to an old copy along the
road, so there is no any problem with the models.



On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Andrew Schetinin <ascheti...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a form that contains a complex object in a model, and I pass that
> model to several panels within the form.
> Various components on the panels may invoke AJAX calls and update pieces
> of that object, and then update other controls to reflect the changes.
> What happens is that one drop-down lists updates the object when another
> item is selected in the list.
> I see the change in the object. Then, in the same handler, the other
> panels are targeted to be updated.
> But when I get to onInitialize() of those  panels, I see an old copy of
> the object, without any updates.
> I have a suspicion that AJAX calls somehow navigate to an old copy of the
> form, and I get old copies of the serialized object.
> Is it possible that this is the case?
> How to workaround it?
> Is there another way to work with the model so that it does not get stale?
> Note that I would not like to use LDM since persisting the model on every
> small change is too heavy.
> Regards,
> Andrew
> --
> --
> Andrew Schetinin

Andrew Schetinin

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