I was using version 1.4.3 and recently updated to 1.4.19.  I am trying
to prevent the double click of the Finish button causing a double submit
on the finish step of a wizard.


Was this resolved between version 1.4.3 and 1.4.19?  Hopefully it was.
If not...


There was mention of this in the following thread:


The proposed solution of adding a Boolean flag to form itself is a bit
confusing.  How do you go about doing this.  Do you add a Boolean field
to the model that backs the form that is initially set to false and then
when the onFinish() method fires the field is checked and only continue
if false and then set it to true.  How does this prevent the double
submit from occurring?


Is there a way to disable the button visually?  In the Apache Wicket
Cookbook (btw, great book) there is the section on blocking until an
Ajax request is complete but the default wizard doesn't appear to be
ajax enabled.


If I could bind a click event to the button via jquery that disables the
buttons and then continues with the wizard submit, that would be ideal.
I can get the jquery bind to occur but the wizard is never submitted to
the onFinish() method. It is like jquery prevents the wicket javascript
from firing.




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