Dear Igor,

(me)>> I get a call with expression being "child", and target being the local 
test object.  Were expression "parent.child", this would succeed, as it would 
call getParent().getChild(). However, I'm not sure whether this is my bug or 
the wicket-validation-bean library's.

(Igor)>this is probably a misuse of the compound property model, which is
evil anyways. you have to create your components with ids that match
the path from the root object, so if you want to access person.address
property you cant put a text field with id "address" into a
webmarkupcontainer of id "person", you have to add a text field with
component id "person.address"

I'm sorry that I can't send or post the problematic code; much of it is 
proprietary. Here's a censored précis.

I have a Report object for people to fill out. Report has a variable of type 
Publication, Publication being an interface.

public class Report implements Serializable {
        private Publication publication;

public interface Publication extends Serializable {}

public class Book implements Publication {}
public class Article implements Publication {}
public class Monograph implements Publication()

I have UI panels:

public class BookPanel extends FormComponentPanel<Book> {}
public class ArticlePanel extends FormComponentPanel<Article> {}
public class MonographPanel extends FormComponentPanel<Monograph> {}

I'm trying to create a PublicationPanel:

public class PublicationPanel extends FormComponentPanel<Publication> {
        private RadioChoice<String> publicationTypeChoice;
        private FormComponentPanel<? extends Publication> 

I will swap a BookPanel, ArticlePanel, and MonographPanel in depending on the 
user's choice of type. If CompoundPropertyModels are evil (and I'd like a 
pointer to why), how can I take a IModel<Report> and turn it into a 
IModel<Publication> and IModel<Book>, and so on?  Does the metagen project 
handle the polymorphism?

Should I be using the single-argument constructor of FormComponentPanel<T> at 
all? Does it matter if I need to use the PublicationPanel more than once in the 

Eric Jablow

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