Let's say I have two pages A and B and both show a table with a 'state'
Further, let's say that the user visits page A and then page B. On page
B they select an item in the table, bring up a modal form and change the
'state' field to something else and press OK. On page B a 'window
closed' event listener updates the table to show the new value of
'state' for the edited item.
Now if the user presses the 'Back' button on the browser to go back to
page A it displays the data as it was before with the old 'state' value
which is incorrect.
Is there a best practice or standard way to deal with this in Wicket so
that when the user presses 'Back' they only see fresh data and not stale
data? Do we need to intercept the browser's back button mechanics via
JavaScript to force a refresh of the data before the table is displayed?
Yours sincerely,
Chris Colman
Pagebloom Team Leader,
Step Ahead Software

pagebloom - your business & your website growing together
Sydney: (+61 2) 9656 1278     Canberra: (+61 2) 6100 2120     
Email: chr...@stepahead.com.au <mailto://chr...@stepahead.com.au> 
http://www.pagebloom.com <blocked::http://www.pagebloom.com/> 

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