I have a simple data entry form with a date/time field.

My end users (web newbies) have found another interesting way to confound
the most clear and straightforward instruction I can devise regarding it's
(obvious?) use.

I watched an end user type an entire time into the hour component without
tabbing over to the minute.

So, I'd like to suggest a minor change to
extensions.yui.calendar.DateTimeField.html to add the maxlength="2" to the
current size="2" on the hour/min input controls.

I think it might be a simple way to give earlier feedback  (I've found it
unwise to rely on instructions like "Please enter dates and times like
this..." ).

I know I could accomplish this for my own instances, perhaps with a copy of
this modified html in a spot higher in the classpath, or maybe an attribute
modifier someplace..., but then I thought what is the downside of making it
the default?   Sure, it would impact a lot of code, but unless some locale
I don't know of has 3 digit minutes, I don't think in a negative way --- I
was suprised to find no other similar past discussion; perhaps there is
some obvious reason this isn't a good idea?   I can't be the first one to
think of this, can I?


In case all that's not clear, here's what I mean in code:

<span wicket:id="eventOn">MM/DD/YYYY [picker] HH MM [amPM]</span>

add(new DateTimeField("eventOn"));

DateTimeField.html in wicket-datetime-1.5-RC5.1.jar
<wicket:panel xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org";>
 <span style="white-space: nowrap;">
 <input type="text" wicket:id="date" size="12" />
 <input type="text" wicket:id="hours" size="2" *maxlength="2"* />
 <span wicket:id="hoursSeparator">&#160;:</span>
 <input type="text" wicket:id="minutes" size="2" *maxlength="2"* />
 <select wicket:id="amOrPmChoice"></select>

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