I think there is a bug with page expiry in wicket 1.5 but I wanted to
quickly check on the list before making a JIRA issue. I have made a
quickstart where the sessions expire after 1 minute. In the application is
just a simple page with some state, 1 label that displays the state and 1
link that changes the state.

Opening the page, clicking the link, then waiting 1 minute and attempting
to click the link again gives

In 1.4.x and 1.5.0:  correctly brings up the "page expired" error page.

In 1.5.1: an error
org.apache.wicket.behavior.InvalidBehaviorIdException: Cannot find behavior
with id: 0 on component: [ [Component id = link]]. Perhaps the behavior did
not properly implement getStatelessHint() and returned 'true' to indicate
that it is stateless instead of returning 'false' to indicate that it is

In 1.5.2 to 1.5.4: The page is initialized as if you were requesting it for
the very first time, all state is lost.

Surely that can't be right? Can someone shed some light on this please?

Kind regards,

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