In 1.4 I had ao code up some interesting work arounds to get my app to redirect 
between http and https based on which page you are requesting.

I remember at the time Igor told me that it would be much easer in 1.5. Can 
anybody point me in the redirection?

I'm considering 2 schemes.

1) Running the entire app over ssl (then I just need to detect http and 
redirect to https)
2) Keep it as is, Only have the login, signup and payment screens be https and 
then redirect to http.

Regardless I'll need to detect http/https and then redirect if necessary.
Would this still be done in the AuthorizationStrategy?

I've noticed that RequestCycle has changed, and many methods I used are gone.
I.E. I used to use requestCycle.getPageParameters() to get the parameters do 
that I when I redirected to login I would retain the params, 
so after logging in the user could be sent to their original page.


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