Yes I did, it's a quite common solution with Wicket. I can show you my code but it doesn't differ so much from your.

I've wrote a "container" panel with two sub panels: the upper one shows some information about a generic iter of certification, the lower one is the custom content of the page.
Here's the markup code:

<html xmlns:wicket>
<div wicket:id="iterInfo"></div>
<div wicket:id="contentPanel"></div>

and here's the java code:

public class IterAwarePanel extends Panel {

    public static String CONTENT_ID = "panelContent";
    private IterNavigationPanel navigationPanel;

    public IterAwarePanel(String id, Iter iter) {
        navigationPanel = new IterNavigationPanel("iterInfo", iter);

    public Iter getIter() {
        return navigationPanel.getIter();

If I were you I would try to use SearchPanel in another test page to see if it gives the same error. Probably you a have just a typo somewhere in your code on in your markup.
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Andrea Del Bene<>wrote:

Your code seems good, I can't find any reason why it should not work. I've
seen you have deployed your code on Google Appengine, maybe your problem is
related with this running environment. Can you run you project locally and
reproduce the problem?

I'm running on local AppEngine dev server.

If I may ask, have you ever included a Panel inside another Panel before?
Did it work? All examples I have seen shows including a Panel in a Page. I
have never seen an example of a Panel included within a Panel. If you have,
please show me an example.

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