I read on this web site:


Wicket does not have exactly a „link with label“ component out of the box.
Remember Wicket tries to hide the HTTP from you (and is quite good at it).
It has a Link, which can react to onClick(), and can contain anything (a simple 
<span> or a whole <div> with everything inside).

But some people, me included, would like to have a simple link with text, to 

<a href="...">Text</a>

So my question:
Is it right?
Wicket really does not have "link with label" component out of the box?
And in wicket 1.5 or 1.6?

Is the normal solution to use onClick() override Label component?
Like this code?

        add(new Label("linktext", "Click the "+text) {
        public void onClick() {
                        PageParameters outparams = new PageParameters(); 
outparams.add("param", parameter);
                        setResponsePage(Index.class, outparams);        

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