
it seems that IE9 leaks memory heavily when updating components with Ajax in 
IE9 document mode.

There is no leak after setting document to IE8 mode

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>

Any ideas to resolve this without forcing IE8 mode ?

There have been past issues, but found no current issue related to this, quick 
start code is very simple,
Opera, Firefox, Chrome work fine.

            public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters)
                         Label testDiv = new Label("testDiv", new 
PropertyModel(this, "data"));

                         AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior timer = new 

            public String getData()
                         Date now = new Date();
                         return now.toString();

            <!-- No leak if this is set
                        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>
                        <div wicket:id="testDiv"></div>


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