why not just fake the size to current page+1? that way you always have
a "next" link and once you receive the current page you should know if
you have more or not so  you dont have to add the one on the last


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Dan Retzlaff <dretzl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all. Time to start a thread of my own. :)
> Many of Wicket's powerful repeaters depend on IDataProvider. This interface
> has a size() method which returns a non-null integer. This makes it easy to
> determine the total number of pages in a pageable view, but IMO the
> required computation and application complexity are not always called for.
> In many cases, a pageable but open-ended data view is adequate. Have you
> experienced this impedance mismatch yourselves? What was your solution?
> To elaborate on my experience:
> For SQL-based views, the application complexity comes from the need to
> construct a count(*) query with exactly the same criteria as the subsequent
> result query. In my experience, this pollutes DAO interfaces and
> IDataProvider implementation non-trivially. We initially had separate
> methods for counting and querying (same args), but eventually moved to a
> single method that returns a <List,Integer>-tuple with both the results and
> total size which our IDataProvider caches. This lets us do some Hibernate
> trickery to introduce a MySQL SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS query hint, avoiding
> separate count/results queries in most cases. It's still not simple, and
> for large counts is still expensive.
> The situation is worse for non-SQL data stores which don't have a
> fully-functional count(*) capability. We use Cassandra whose native "where
> clause" support is limited, requiring significant client-side filtering.
> Paging through an entire column (or CF) in this way is prohibitively
> expensive, especially considering our users rarely even go to page 2. To
> solve this, we've created a parallel set of view/paging classes that define
> windows using previously discovered result keys instead of start indices
> (tokens and column names in Cassandra). But having a full suite of
> IUnsizedDataProvider-based classes smells. I love that Wicket devs have
> solved some tough/tedious problems with DataViewBase and friends, and I
> want to make use of them!
> Comments or suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Dan

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