
I have this scenario:

- browser requests some time-expensive page
- page renders lazy component (instead of regular component) and starts
thread for computation data
- lazy component use Behavior with AJAX callback, timed in seconds
- user sees in browser indicator
- when Behavior fires, checks thread is done
- if thread is done, renders proper component via AJAX with fresh data
- if thread is pending, renders javascript to postpone AJAX callback again

My problem:

There are some serializable fields in page, which are accessed from thread.
These fields are properly synchronized. Each AJAX response from
Behavior causes page serialization -- this runs in context of AJAX request
in the end. But in same time, thread can also access these fields in page
(typically add/remove items from collections) and serialization can throw
ConcurrentModificationException. Again, access to fields is synchronized,
but during serialization there are no chance to synchronizing access to

Are there some techniques/patterns how to solve this?

For example, can I inject Wicket page serialization to block access to
fields for my thread?



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