It simply means there is another component on your login page which makes the page stateful.

To find out which one, override onBeforeRender() in the login page (log is a slf4j Logger):

    protected void onBeforeRender()

        log.debug( "Stateless? {}", getSession().isTemporary() );

        if( !getSession().isTemporary() && log.isTraceEnabled() )
            // Print which component is stateful
            visitChildren( Component.class, new IVisitor<Component>()
                public Object component( Component component )
                    if( !component.isStateless() )
                        log.trace( "+ Stateful: {}", component );

                    return CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;
            } );
Op 24-4-2012 20:50, schreef Alfonso Quiroga:
Hi, in my job we have an application, and the LoginPage is like any
other page. The testing team reported that when you see the login
page, a new Session is being created by wicket (they see it in
jProfiler). I've used a StatelessForm, but the session is still being

The problem is that the application will be in internet, and is VERY
easy to attack if we create a session in the login page. The only
workaround I am thining... is creating a plain html file (login), and
then redirect to a wicket page. Any other solution? thanks!!

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