Sounds like a problem waiting for CDI.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 1:42 AM, Dan Retzlaff <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a wizard workflow for our users that collects various inputs, and
> when submitted, persists entities and kicks off some processing. After the
> wizard is submitted, the user should not be able to navigate back and
> resubmit the wizard. The obvious solution of maintaining a boolean
> "isSubmitted" state within the page does not work, because during wizard
> navigation many page IDs were created due to model and hierarchy changes.
> The isSubmitted=true is seen by the first history entry, but page instances
> further back have isSubmitted=false. Another solution is
> setVersioned(false), but we like the back button to work while wizard is
> active.
> It seems like we need to maintain wizard state at a higher scope such as
> the session, keyed uniquely by some wizard instance identifier (maybe a
> UUID). Ensuring that this set of submitted (or in-progress) wizards remains
> bounded seems challenging, though probably not a practical concern. Do you
> have a more clever solution to this problem?
> Regards,
> Dan

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