
In your case, the general idea would be to create a ResourceReference to your downloaded css & js files, and then on your base page to contribute them dynamically with

    public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
        ResourceReference jsRef = [...]
        ResourceReference cssRef = [...]

Now for creating the ResourceReference for your files, there's several options depending on what you want to do: - if you want to refer directly to the external css/js, just do response.renderJavaScriptReference("http://example.com/jsfile.js";); I wouldn't do that unless the other site is a site you control and want to use as a CDN - you could load the data from the db: http://wicketinaction.com/2011/07/wicket-1-5-mounting-resources/ gives an example for images, wouldn't be much different with a file - you could save the downloaded files in a specific directory, mount that directory as a sharedresourcereference, and serve the files that way: see http://stackoverflow.com/a/9232848 for more information

There's probably other ways (better maybe) though.

Pierre Goupil wrote:
Good evening,

I'd like to contribute CSSs & JSs to my <head> for which names I don't
know. More precisely, I'd like to be able to download a .zip, unzip it and
contribute its CSS & JS content to the <head>, plus being able to display
the images of the zip thanks to the links in the CSS.

Regarding the downloading and unzipping steps, it's easy. But for the
header contributions, I can't figure out how to do that since :

1) I don't know the names of the CSS & JS files before download

2) the CSS files link to the images using their regular names, but Wicket
appends characters of its own to their names.

What I'm trying to achieve is to be able to switch (at run-time) my app's
theme by downloading a new one on a themes website, like

I use Wicket 1.5.7 but a solution for Wicket 6.0 is OK as well.

Any help will be much appreciated.


Pierre Goupil

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