Hi, in my project I use a CouchDB with files as attachments. Currently I
have a page that makes those attachments available via a ResourceLink. What
I do when creating that page is:

   - I read all attachments (I get them as an InputStream),
   - create a byte[] out of it,
   - create a static Wicket ByteArrayResource
   - and put the link to that resource on the page.

That works for smaller files, but a huge problem is of course: it's static,
and I get memory problems if the attachments get too big. Also, currently
obviously each session does this.

What I would like to do instead is:

   - create Resources that will load my attachments dynamically if the link
   is clicked,
   - and add ResourceLinks to those resources on my page instead.
   - If possible, maybe deliver the attachments directly from the
   InputStream my CouchDB delivers, so I don't have to have any static
   byte-arrays on my server.

That way I could make the page load immediately and deliver attachments
only if required.

I've wrapped my head around IResourceStreams, but I just can't see clear
anymore and am confused about how to create those dynamic resources (also
because some old examples don't work anymore with Wicket 1.5 or 6beta3).

I'd be very thankful for a short example, or a hint about how to design
this. Thank you!

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