
Thanks for the release! Having just tried it, it seems that WicketStuff uses Wicket version "6.0-SNAPSHOT". Is this on purpose?

In wicketstuff-core's pom, there is the following property :



On 07/09/2012 4:01 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
WicketStuff Core projects version 6.0.0 have been released and will
shortly be available at Maven Central.

The WicketStuff Core projects were built against Apache Wicket 6.0.0.

The changelog is pretty long, so you can find that at the end of this message.

The projects can be retrieved from Maven like this:


The release tag is here:

Issues can be reported here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/issues

The Project Wiki is available here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/wiki

The WicketStuff team!


The changelog:

=Tom B (2):
       [InMethod Grid] Ability to add new rows & new column types
**Appendable Changes**      - Added `IAppendableDataSource` - defines
a data source capable of adding new rows      - Added
`AppendableDataProvider` - example IAppendableDataSource
implementation that wraps IDataProvider      - Added
`AddRecordsToolbar` - toolbar with a button for adding new records to
a data grid      - Added `AbstractPageableView#clearCache()` - clears
the query cache to force complete redraw on next render      - Added
`DataGrid#insertRow(T rowData)` - inserts a new row of data into the
end of the current page      - Added `DataGridBody#insertRow(T
rowData)` - inserts a new row of data into the end of the current page
      - Added `DataGridBody#createItem(T rowData)` - returns an item to
be inserted      - Added `DataGridBody#clearCache(T rowData)` - clears
the query cache to force complete redraw on next render
       [InMethod Grid] Added missing Wicket-DateTime dependency for
EditableDateColumn     loosened SubmitCancelPanel#getGrid() to
protected for AddDeletePanel

Andrei Costescu (1):
       Manually merged changes from 1.4 branch.     Options that should
eveluate to function objects browser side should not     escape
unicode characters like "=".     Also when the input component gets
replaced through AJAX while it is     being incremented/decremented,
avoid endless loop.

Bruno Borges (2):
       DSL for Wicket+Scala projects
       fixed package name

Emond Papegaaij (3):
       many compilefixes for upstream wicket 6.0 changes
       make wicket-security work again on wicket 6.0
       ported GMap2 and openlayers to Wicket 6, I'm not in the position
to test this, so it could still be broken

Georg Buschbeck (4):
       updated jquery dependencies
       added js files     fixed version typo in LibraryData
       forgot file in previous commit
       Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'

George Armhold (1):
       Fix bug in StringBuilder usage when rendering "chbh" chart URL
param.  This allows barWidth to be rendered properly.

Igor Vaynberg (1):
       Merge pull request #73 from tfreier/master

Jesse Long (5):
       IXmlPullParser no longer throws ResourceStreamNotFoundException
       Latest packaged version of jquery is 1.7.2
       Add missing jquery-1.6.1.js file
       Generify SecureTabbedPanel like regular TabbedPanel
       Update package name for UrlDecoder and UrlEncoder imports

JoachimRohde (2):
       Fixed compilation issue and a NPE in GMap2.     -
wicket.contrib.gmap.api.GClientGeocoder#getCallbackScript could not be
compiled because getCallbackFunction didn't accept strings as
parameters.     - In GOverlay a NullPointerException occured when
using the DragEndListener.
       Merge pull request #144 from JoachimRohde/master

Martijn Dashorst (1):
       Release version 6.0.0

Martin Grigorov (14):
       Merge pull request #86 from armhold/master
       Merge pull request #109 from raystorm/Raystorm-Appendable
       Merge pull request #111 from rkaercher/master
       Merge pull request #122 from JoachimRohde/master
       Merge pull request #124 from td-github/master
       Merge pull request #126 from td-github/master
       Merge pull request #132 from jesselong/master
       Merge pull request #133 from pausb/master
       Merge pull request #137 from minman/fix-130
       Merge pull request #139 from wickeria/master
       Merge pull request #142 from svieujot/master
       Merge pull request #141 from JoachimRohde/master
       Merge pull request #147 from wickeria/master
       Merge pull request #149 from pliljenberg/master

Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov (31):
       [inmethod-grid] Fix imports after WICKET-4439
       [inmethod-grid] Update to upstream - JavaScriptPrecondition is removed
       [annotations] Re-enable Annotations module
       [scala] Re-enable scala-extensions module
       [jquery] Re-enable jquery module
       [html5] Re-enable wicket-html5
       [spring-reference] Re-enable spring-reference module
       [minis] Re-enable minis module
       [jsr-303] Re-enable JSR303 module
       [portlet] Re-enable portlet module
       Add EventSourceResource - an IResource that knows the response
protocol of Server Side Events
       The response should be in UTF-8 by SSE specs
       Re-enable tinymce module
       Fix #79 - Tinymce icon images not showing on advanced Theme and
wicket deployment mode
       Add Nio2ModificationWatcher that extends Wicket's
ModificationWatcher with ability to be notified when a new file
appears in the classpath.
       Add simple readme
       Use the new NIO2 API to check whether a file is a directory
       Merge 7e8103d7be27ee5cc6aaf41fcb1d7cf331ed1f7b from 1.5 branch
       [inmethod] fixed issue #89 (DataGrid selection indication is broken)
       [scala] Collect all files in -sources.jar
       [scala] fix the indentation
       [scala] Upgrade to Scala 2.9.1-1 and latest scala-maven-plugin
       [scala] Update SBT build and dependencies' versions
       [scala] update the names of the dependencies for Maven build
       [scala] Fix some compiler warnings (use scala.Serializable,
optimize imports)
       issue 123 - [wicket-html5] AjaxGeoLocationBehaviour does not
work with Wicket 6
       Upgrade versions of Maven plugins and Scala
       Fix compiling of Console project
       Rework the test to test for output instead of returned value
       [inmethod-grid] Upgrade InMethod Grid to Wicket 6.0-SNAPSHOT
       Add parameters to PageParameters.

Michael O'Cleirigh (20):
       [jdk-1.5-parent] Modify maven compiler settings to run tests using java 5
       [jdk-1.5-parent] crosscompile modules, java 5 compile for tests
       [jdk-1.5-parent] adjust phase compiler plugin uses to work with scala.
       [core] Add README.md to base for github
       [facebook] Enable wicket-facebook as part of the main build.
       [core] switch master branch to track wicket 6.0-SNAPSHOT
       [core] Consolodate all modules into the jdk-1.6-parent module
       [push-parent] Combine jdk-1.5 and jdk-1.6 push-parent's into one
       [jdk-1.6-parent] Update all former jdk-1.5-parent modules to use
us as the parent module.
       [core] Add support for Java 7 modules
       [jdk-1.6-parent] Add dependencyManagement section
       [core] update <ciManagement> section of pom
       Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream-core/master'
       [gae-initializer] fix upstream refactor of IDataStoreEvictionStrategy
       [portlet] remove maven-compiler-plugin targetting java 1.5
       [console-parent] wicket 6.0 API changes
       [push-timer] Add AjaxRequestTarget to the behavior.stop() method call.
       Remove jdk-1.5-parent directory again
       [jdk-1.6-parent] remove datatable-autocomplete-parent from pom.xml
       [core] comment out modules that don't compile

Pedro Santos (16):
       [wicketstuff-tinymce] fixing compilation errors
[wicketstuff-tinymce] code formatting using Wicket project preferences
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Moving to tinymce 3.4.6
       Merge branch 'master' of 
       [wicketstuff-tinymce] Merge of 1.4.x branch in trunk
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Merge of
       [wicketstuff-tinymce] Merge of
       Bringing TinyMCE back to the build
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Code formating
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Testing URL segments with the "/" character
and not     with file separator, fix the issue
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Updating language files
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Code refactoring     - removing triplicated
code     - removing prolix API
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Removing unnecessary code     - JS code
added to render on dom ready even is called even for     components
being responded in an AJAX response
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Adding a div component wrapping the text
area to     have an AJAX markup region covering both the form
component and the new     DOM objects created by TinyMCE
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Changing the segments test order to
prioritize more     specialized ones
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Removing deprecated API usage
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]fix for the missing component on page
refresh     https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/issues/81

Peter Liljenberg (1):
       GlobalJndiNamingStrategy calculates name according to spec

Rodolfo Hansen (1):
       closses #66 it is important to stop a component's timer to avoid
illegal calls later on.

Roland Kaercher (1):
       removed duplicate function declaration

Sven Meier (9):
       remove deprecated prototype, is superseded by jslibraries
       remove deprecated prototype, is superseded by jslibraries
       WICKET-4240 moved old tree together into extensions
       Revert "WICKET-4240 moved old tree together into extensions"
       changes ART.get() to RequestCycle.find(ART)
       changes ART.get() to RequestCycle.find(ART), corrected imports for tree
       Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/wicketstuff/core
       datatable now generified for sort parameter
       datatable now generified for sort parameter

Sylvain Vieujot (1):
       Create excel cells for the <TH> tags.

Till Freier (33):
       Facebook plugin project setup
       ActivityFeed Plugin
       Recommendations Plugin
       SendButton Plugin
       [facebook] plugins added/updated
       [facebook] call FB.FBXML.parse for plugins after Ajax updates
       [facebook] subscribe behaviors added
       [facebook] app secret removed because it's not needed
       [facebook] FacebookSdkBehavior replaced with FacebookSdk component
       [facebook] og properties for FacebookSdk, behavior examples
       [facebook] permissions added
       [facebook] missing plugin parameters added, javadoc
       [twitter] twitter plugin project setup
       [twitter] FollowButton
       [twitter] TweetButton
       [twitter] linkify behavior
       [twitter] AnywhereBehaviors added
       [twitter] ajax event behaviors added
       Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       [twitter] update poms to 6.0-SNAPSHOT
       [twitter] web intents added
       [twitter] follow intent added
       [twitter] ajax event examples
       [twitter] example headlines updated
       [twitter] moved from jdk-1.5-parent to jdk-1.6-parent
       [twitter] api behavior moved into behavior package
       [twitter] bin removed
       [twitter] wicketstuff prefix added
       Merge pull request #78 from tfreier/master
       Merge remote branch 'wicketstuff/master'
       Merge remote-tracking branch 'wicketstuff/master'
       [facebook] ajax call changed to wicket 6.0
       [twitter] ajax call updated to wicket 6.0

akiraly (21):
       [closure-compiler] Moved under jdk-1.6-parent as
googlecode-closure-compiler is java 1.6 based. +Some minor cosmetic
changes in pom and source.
       [core] Updated logback and ehcache.
       [core] Updated clojure. Triggered some changes in
[console-engine] clojure part.
       [inmethod-grid] Cosmetic change to fix a warning.
       [push] Fix "unload request" check.
       [core] Updated junit to 4.10.
       Following upstream change.
       Updating some dependencies.
       Make it possible to build the project with a single command.
Enable parallel junit test runs (per test class) except for
wicket-security-*.     Update some plugins.
       [console] #65: temporary disable parallel tests.
       [scala-extensions] #65 disabling parallel test runs, hoping it
circumvents something that looks like a surefire plugin bug.
       [scala-extensions] #65 disabling parallel test runs, hoping it
circumvents something that looks like a surefire plugin bug.
       [core] #65: Disabling parallel test runs altogether to
workaround maven ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
       [console][wicket-security] Removing parallel test run disabling
configs as it is disabled globally too.
       [push-examples] Remove dependency version, it is inherited from core.
       [core] Update jetty to 7.5.3/8.0.3.
       [push-examples] Removing wildcard exclusion because it is not
supported by maven (yet, feature ticket is MNG-3832).
       [core] Updating some dependencies.
       [tinymce] Code format + clean up. No functional change.
       [tinymce] Some pom.xml cleanup.
       [logback] Modifying WicketWebFormattingConverter
registration/usage to be in line with the official solution written in
the logback docs (register custom conversion words in the logback
config file using the <conversionRule> element).

dan (2):
       normal links doesn't work in columns
       added yahoo .min js resources

j.rohde (3):
       Fixed compilation issue
       Make the wicketstuff-twitter module work with Wicket 6.
       [wicketstuff-security-wasp] Fixed compilation error.

jr (3):
       Implemented a callback method for the HTML5 Geolocation API in
case the user denies or ignores/dismisses the request for sharing his
location.     Along the way the example code was updated to
demonstrate the new callback method. And since Foursquare (which was
used before in the example) requires authentication now, a reverse
geocoding request to OpenStreetMap is used as an example.
       Component to use Google Maps v3 with Wicket 6.
       [Wicket OSGI Integration] Fixed compilation issue

mam (1):
       fix-130 NPE when redirected from ajax

martin-g (17):
       [inmethod-grid] Change the artifactId of the examples module to
be in sync with the main project.
       [portlet] Add the latest attachment (wicket- as a subproject.
       [autocomplete-tagit] Look for the 'term' parameter both in GET
and POST request parameters.
       [autocomplete-tagit] Allow overriding of #createJson() to be
able to return more complex JSON with labels and values if needed.
       [autocomplete-tagit-examples] Minor improvements in the logging.
       Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wicketstuff/core
       [portlet] Compile to Java 1.5
       [kryo-serializer] Don't use Wicket's version as a label because
it makes the test unstable.
       #57 Test failing in kyro-serializer
       Add the newly added write(byte[], int, int)
       [ calendarviews ] Update to the new IDataProvider API changes
       [ client-and-server-validation ] Update to Wicket 6 API
       [ console-templates ]     [ datatable-autocomplete ]
       Update to Wicket 6
       Upgrade to Wicket 1.5
       Upgrade InMethod Grid to Wicket 6.0
       Update the copyright year

pausb (1):
       Changed Progress.java to support indeterminate progress elements

pedrosans (2):
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Giving the tinymce request mapper a higher
    compatibility score
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Upgrading to TinyMCE 3.4.7

peter (8):
       [closure-compiler] add project
       [closure-compiler] add stats, small fixes
       add [closure-compiler] to core/jdk-1.5-parent/pom.xml
       [closure-compiler] support different compression levels, add
externs to support proper compilation environment
       [closure-compiler] fixed externs, better support for customization
       add artifact jul-to-slf4j (redirect jul over slf4j) to
dependency management
       [closure-compiler] better logging, better error reporting
       [closure-compiler] set default compression to 'simple' since
'advanced' is too aggressive, add jquery to test page for javascript
command line tests e.g. with firebug

seb (13):
       fixed artifactid
       Closes #66. Fixed TimerPushService.uninstallNode.
       Revert "Closes #66. Fixed TimerPushService.uninstallNode."
       Closes #66. Fixed TimerPushService.uninstallNode.
       [wicketstuff-push] upgraded cometd 2.0.0 -> 2.3.1 to support
newer jetty     versions     [wicketstuff-push] added serializable
IPushServiceRef which can be     safely stored in wicket components
  [wicketstuff-push] code cleanup     [wicketstuff-push] fixed some
small issues in the example application
       [wicketstuff-push-examples] pom.xml excluded duplicate jetty-jmx
       [wicketstuff-push] fixed cometd/websocket support.     Closes #48.
       [wicketstuff-push] code cleanup
       [wicketstuff-push-examples] hardwired jetty version in pom.xml
required     by current cometd version
       [wicketstuff-push-cometd] fixed IE support
       [push-examples] fixed artifact name
       Removed push-parent-jdk-1.5 left over
       [push] updated POMs to generate OSGI bundles

svenmeier (4):
       fixed compile error and got slider running in browser again,
change doesn't trigger the callback though :/
       IErrorMessageSource#substituteVariables() is merged into getMessage()
       make logo path absolute, otherwise it will not be loaded
       fixed resource reference to rpc resource

unknown (2):
       [wicketstuff-tinymce]Missing JS files, new request mapper for
missing dynamically loaded resources
       Merge branch 'core-1.5.x' of https://github.com/wicketstuff/core
into core-1.5.x

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