Hi everybody!

I have made a subclass of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form
with name HighlightForm

The purpose of this class is to give all Fields a css class "fieldError" if validation failed for all FormComponents. But in a way that it's generic - so I can use this class as DropIn Replacement for normal Wicket-Form class.

I have uploaded a quickstart example here:

So I visit all Children/FormComponents of the Form via an IVisitor and add an AttributeModifier where I have overwritten the isEnabled(Component) Method so to only enable the modifier when current component is not valid.

So the invalid fields get the css class fieldError which makes there background coloured in red. I don't show the feedbackMessages anywhere.

This worked with wicket 1.5.
Now with Wicket 6 the handling of FeedbackMessage have changed - so they get marked to be cleared after they are rendered.

As I don't render the messages they survive even when I input valid values into the form and submit it again - validation continues to fail.
therefore in the
isEnabled(Component component)
method of the AttributeModifier I go through all FeedbackMessages and call markRendered()
is this the right way? Is there a better place to do this?

start with
mvn jetty:run

Thank you very much

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