this is not the problem in normal run but in testing..
wickettester itself doesn't use any servelt container,
you don't have to yourself call init() on your own,use  new
wickettester(new myap())
wickettester will do all the setup and call init() too.
you can later retrieve by
tester.getApplication().getInitParameter("myPar") ,basically
afaik this is how it would have worked ,however it won't i just
checked the wickettester's source
the reason is tester doesn't provide anyway of adding init parameters
to mock filterconfig
which means mock filterconfig should also add methods for that
or wickettester should provide constructor through which you can pass
your custom fileterconfig.

i think others will tell if a jira ticket for this should be created
or if i have overlooked something ;)

On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Lucio Crusca <> wrote:
> In data sabato 13 ottobre 2012 11:53:54, vineet semwal ha scritto:
>> i can't reproduce ,which wicket version and servlet container are you on?
> Wicket version 6.0 and not sure about the servlet container, because what's
> failing is the automatic tests Netbeans runs before running the app. My unit
> test creates the application instance, the instance calls init(), init() calls
> getInitParameter and then it throws an exception after the received null. No
> worries about the exception, it's correct it is being thrown on nulls, but
> that's making my unit test fail. I don't know what servlet container Netbeans
> uses when it runs tests.
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Vineet Semwal

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