I want to have a behavior similar to AutoCompleteTextField but without the
That's my use case:
- the user has to select a customer in a field,
- he starts to type some characters,
- the list shows some possibilities based on a database request using the
first and last names, the email, ...
- then he selects one item in the list.

I don't want to use a converter because the data in the field could
eventually match more than one entry in the database. I can give more
context in the list to make the user be sure of his selection. When the
selection is made, I can put a title so that on a mouse over event the user
visualize the full information on the customer selection.

The best solution would be to use the database id of the customer as a key
during the selection phase.

I don't know what is the best way of implementing this behaviour.

Thanks a lot for any ideas,


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