
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:26 AM, venkat <venkatesh.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> In my application, i have a scenario where I need to compare data of sql
> server tables from two environemnts and show the differences in side by
> side
> panels.
> I am using SQL server For XML () to convert the sql table data in to XML
> files and want to compare these two XMLs and show the differences in wicket
> component.
> Could any one please share theier thughts and experiences , implementing
> xml
> comparison or data comparison tools in wicket.
> Would appreciate a quick response.
Long time ago I have implemented a functionality like this by using

1-http://www.surfscranton.com/architecture/TextDiff.htm (or s similar
utility class that produced diff between text files).
2-Using the generated diff and original files I rendered original files
with markers for section that changed.i.e.

File 1                            |                         File 2

similar content               |  similar content
<div class="Ch1">         |  <div class="Ch1">
<p>                               |  <p> This part changed
</p>                              |  </p>
</div>                            | </div>
similar content                | similar content

3- Then whenever user hover over class="Ch1" I added "Selected" to all divs
with class="Ch1" (for change 1)

So the effect was a component that allowed to compare changes much as you
see on eclipse of other development tools... I think there should be
projects out here that already do this? I do no longer have access to that

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Antilia Soft
http://antiliasoft.com/ <http://antiliasoft.com/antilia>

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