Well with the library linked by Cédric which let's you have "html5 placeholder" for older browsers, you actually don't have to touch anything in the layout to use that. All you need to do is have your wicket component (TextField most likely) contribute to the header the js dependencies (with renderHead(Response)), as well as attach to it an AttributeModifier which will define the "placeholder" attribute. (and if you don't need support for older browsers, all you need it then the AttributeModifier).

Dmitriy Neretin wrote:
Thank you guys, but unfortunately I have some constraints related to the
layout etc. and I can't avoid them...


2012/11/28 Cedric Gatay <gata...@gmail.com>

For the placeholder thing you can use the standard HTML5 way with a
polyfill such as the following (with Modernizr it will only be loaded if
the client need it) :
Cedric Gatay
http://www.bloggure.info | http://cedric.gatay.fr |

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Sébastien Gautrin <
sebastien.gaut...@gmail.com> wrote:

Actually I'd recommend not puting the placeholder in the input itself,
assuming you don't have to support old browsers that most other now have
stopped supporting a few years back. Depending on the browser of your
users, you can:
- use the html5 placeholder attribute (best way to do that, but you won't
support ie < 10)
- have the placeholder appear in the input while it's not; one nice
technique is to use a label/span that you will move above the input with
css (using position attribute and z-index); then you have a little
javascript that will simply change the opacity of that placeholder
depending on conditions: with an initial opacity of 1, you can put it at
0.5 when the user focus the field, and at 0 once he entered anything.
Advantages of that compared to putting the placeholder in the input is
don't have to worry about the placeholder value being actually submitted
the client, and that you won't have any bloat to have the placeholder
if the user empty the field.

Note that for the second option, you need opacity, and thus either IE8+
have the proprietary ms syntax for that (IE5-7 using filter:
alpha(opacity=50);, IE8 using -ms-filter:"progid:**

Sven Meier wrote:

... or "onclick" ?

I'd recommend a javascript only solution without round-trip to the

On 11/27/2012 05:09 PM, Dmitriy Neretin wrote:

Hi wicket-users,

I have a question about a combination of the TextField and

I have a text field with content. Just to indicate what user should
For example a day text filed, which already contains following "DD".
I do it by following:

My idea now is to delete this text automatically. For example with
"oncklick" event. What I did is:

dayField.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehav**ior("oncklick"){


So, the problem now is it doesn't work at first time! For example I
in the field, delete the text, insert another text, leave the field.
in the filed again and only then onUpdate method performs. But it
perform at first time and I don't understand why...

Can somebody help me?


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