On 29 November 2012 16:55, Eric Jablow <erjab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > wicketTester.clickLink("myLink");
> >
> > The WicketTester renders another page, the page rendering requires a lot
> of
> > other injected dependencies, and the unit test set-up grows too much
> > making  the test fragile. I just want to verify that another page is set
> as
> > a response page.
> >
> > Is it possible to do it? What are the best practices for unit testing of
> a
> > wicket application?
> This is actually a good point to improve your application and its tests.
> Use dependency injection to organize your application, say through
> wicket-guice or wicket-cdi. Use an alternative test Guice module to
> build your pages with while testing. So, when you reach the second
> test page, it gets built with low-cost data,
It contradicts with the idea of unit tests: test only a small unit,
bringing minimum dependencies. Otherwise a change in one page would break a
lot of other tests. It is significant especially for web-applications,
because usually pages have a lot links between them.
It makes a test run longer, which would cause performance problems for
large test suite.

WBR, Anatoly.

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