setStatelessHint() tells the page to attempt to be stateless, but if any of the 
components or the behaviors are not stateless than the page will revert back to 

There are several components which have stateless alternatives (StatelessForm 
and StatelessLink for example), but the very nature of Ajax and it's callback 
functionality means that the page cannot be stateless. The server must maintain 
state about the current page for each Ajax request to have the correct starting 

If I may ask, what is it about statefulness that concerns you?

-David Phillips - USAA

-----Original Message-----
From: René Vangsgaard [] 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:29 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: stateless pages

I am looking into stateless wicket. Do the setStatelessHint() work as expected? 
My links are generated correctly, but when the page is rendered a ?#number is 
rendered - the #number being the "normal wicket counter". I read that the 
presence of this number indicates my page is not stateless.

And it is true that any use of Ajax will make a page stateful.

On a more general note, I am looking into creating a stateless application, 
mainly because of scaling. Do you think Wicket will fit, even though I will be 
using Ajax? I really think the separation of HTML and code, the approach with 
components and the use of wicket:id is the best, and I have not found it 
anywhere else. Basically I like Wicket, but do not need the statefulness.

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