Thanks very much Martin.

I am not using Eclipse at this stage. I read the README file. It has a
long list of contents which do not exist in the archive file.

Because the archive file has a size of 4M but contains only 142K files
I thought I might be missing something. Or this README file belongs to
an older version of the distribution.

What would be the maven command without Eclipse plugin to get the
sources? Or does Wicket depend on the Eclipse IDE?

It would be nice to have the missing bits mentioned in the README e.g.
"you must have the Eclipse IDE to get the sources and JavaDoc" so one
can get started.

Many thanks,



The archive you just downloaded and unpacked contains the source code
and the
jars of the core projects of Wicket. If you are just starting out, you
probably only need to include wicket-x.jar, where x stands for the
version. As
a rule, use just the jars you need.

You will find the source code here:

        |-- apidocs
        |   |-- org
        |   `-- resources
        |-- lib
        |-- licenses
        `-- src
            |-- archetypes
            |-- testing
            |-- wicket
            |-- wicket-auth-roles
            |-- wicket-core

On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:03:45 +0100, you wrote:

>On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Bernard <> wrote:
>> How can I get the sources? The 4MB apache-wicket-6.4.0.tar.gz is
>> basically empty.
>Those are the sources. All of it. You are actually asking for the
>Maven source jars. Depending on your environment, Maven will
>automatically download the sources from Maven Central (e.g. the
>maven-eclipse-plugin does so, provided you set downloadSources=true in
>the plugin configuration, m2e in eclipse will also download the
>sources, if you set it in the settings).
>> It contains 142 KB of quickstart stuff - if I run mvn install then I
>> am not getting any wicket source files copied into my m2 repository.
>> I must be missing something.
>Just ran mvn package in a freshly untarred distribution and this is what I got:
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