Ah, I see, thats exact what I'm searching for.
I've wrapped the BookmarkableLink in a Panel and override onConfigure() so the default wont match.

Thanks, a lot
Cheers Dirk

Mit freundlichem Gruß
*Dirk Wichmann*
d...@team-wichmann.de <mailto:d...@team-wichmann.de>
Mobil: +49 163 569 2 563
Am 06.01.2013 13:35, schrieb Martin Grigorov:
He means  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.BookmarkablePageLink#linksTo().

By default Wicket disables any link in the current page which points to the
same page. See org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.Link#isEnabled()

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Dirk Wichmann <d...@team-wichmann.de> wrote:

Hi Per,

sorry, but I dont understand?? what means "linksto(page) in bpl. Athen"
I know the onconfigure method but what should I check there??

Thanks in advance
Cheers Dirk

Mit freundlichem Gruß
*Dirk Wichmann*
d...@team-wichmann.de <mailto:d...@team-wichmann.de>
Mobil: +49 163 569 2 563
Am 05.01.2013 19:19, schrieb per.newgro:

  You could usw linksto(page) in bpl. Athen in onconfigure oft the link you
can check if this is true and disable the link. Maybe link.getpage helps to.

Cheers Per

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