Why do you make properties static, why TabPanel1 is static  ?


On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Paolo <irresistible...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am become crazy!
> My wicket web application works fine on my laptop on localhost,
> but don't work well on my home server.
> I made all the web site stateless. I don't need user login. But one page
> is stasefull because
> I use wicket Ajax Tab Panel. On this page I have youtube video, with some
> panels that give informations
> about the selected video, taken from youtube API using java. The first
> panel give information like title, author, views, ecc.
> The second panel give comments of that video, ecc.
> My problem is that when user pass from first panel to second panel, the
> comments returned is related to another video!
> When come back to first panel the information changes and it is relative
> to another video too!
> It looks totally random! But I think that the information on the actual
> panel is related to video selected by another user connected to my web site.
> I known that there are user connected to my server every second, just
> because I can see upload bandwith used by system information graphic, and I
> know by Google Analytics that every day I have about 500 users connected.
> Infact when I test the application on my laptop on localhost it works
> well, all things is ok, and I am the only user of course.
> How can I do some check to understand well the problem?
> How can I solve the problem?
> In my application I don't manage the Session, because I don't need, and I
> know that wicket automatically create a Session, infact
> on ajax page I can see jsession=xxxxx in the url.
> How can I know more instant informations about how many users connected
> and what pages that users are wacthing now?
> I use wicket 6.2.0, Tomcat 6.2.4, Eclipse EE,  Linux, Home server and ADSL
> (1Mbit Upload)
> Some part of code:
> package org.apache.wicket.examples.authentication3;
> import ....
> public class V extends BasePage implements Serializable
> {       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>         public static String v, page;
>         public static String
> titolo,autore,data,descrizione,descr,uploader,videoid;
>         public static String visualiz = "---", sottoscr = "---", durata="";
>         public static long secondi;
>         public static long count;
>         public static int pageINT;
>         public static int max_results;
>         public V()
>                 {
>                         this ( new PageParameters() );
>                 }
>         public V(PageParameters inparams) {
>         v = inparams.get("v").toString();
>     System.out.println ("v:"+v);
> ...
> add(new Menu("panel",null,inparams.get("in").toString()));  // INCLUDE DIV
>     List tabs = new ArrayList();
>     tabs.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Info Video"))
>     {
>     public Panel getPanel(String panelId)
>     {
>     return new TabPanel1(panelId);
>     }
>     });
>     tabs.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Comments"))
>     {
>     public Panel getPanel(String panelId)
>     {
>     return new TabPanel2(panelId);
>     }
>     });
>     tabs.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Download video or mp3"))
>     {
>     public Panel getPanel(String panelId)
>     {
>     return new TabPanel3(panelId);
>     }
>     });
>     add(new AjaxTabbedPanel("tabs", tabs));
>  // tabsdx  TabPanel di destra: Video correlati e Video dell'autore
>     List tabsdx = new ArrayList();
>     tabsdx.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Related Video"))
>     {
>     public Panel getPanel(String panelId)
>     {
>     return new TabPaneldx1(panelId);
>     }
>     });
>     tabsdx.add(new AbstractTab(new Model("Same author Video"))
>     {
>     public Panel getPanel(String panelId)
>     {
>     return new TabPaneldx2(panelId);
>     }
>     });
>     add(new AjaxTabbedPanel("tabsdx", tabsdx));
> ...
>         VideoEntry ve = null;
>         try
>         {
>                 YouTubeService service = new
> YouTubeService("gdataSample-YouTube-2");
>                 ve = service.getEntry(new URL("
> http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/"+v), VideoEntry.class);
>                         System.out.println("Service v=" + v);
>         }
>         catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
>         catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
>         catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
> ...
> private static class TabPanel1 extends Panel                  // Tab Info
> Video
> {
> public TabPanel1(String id)
> {
> super(id);
> //...
> System.out.println ("tab1 v:"+v);
> System.out.println ("tab1 videoid:"+videoid);
> add(new Label("VideoTitoloTab",titolo));
> add(new Label("VideoDescrTab",descrizione));
> add(new Label("VideoData",data));
> add(new Label("VideoVisualizzazioni",visualiz));
> add(new Label("VideoSottoscrizioni",sottoscr));
> PageParameters outparamslink13 = new PageParameters();
> outparamslink13.add("v", videoid); outparamslink13.add("in", "video"); //
> outparamsl1.add("page", (pageINT+1));
> add(new  BookmarkablePageLink("link13", V.class,
> outparamslink13).setBody(Model.of(autore)));
> ...
> private static class TabPanel2 extends Panel
> {
> public TabPanel2(String id)
> {
> super(id);
> /**
>  * Prints the comments feed of a VideoEntry.
>  */
> System.out.println ("tab2 v:"+v);
> System.out.println ("tab2 videoid:"+videoid);
> Feed feed = null;
> try
> {
>         YouTubeService service = new
> YouTubeService("gdataSample-YouTube-2");
>         feed = service.getFeed(new URL("
> https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/"+videoid+"/comments?v=2&start-index="+((pageINT-1)*25+1)),
> Feed.class);
>     System.out.println("\tURLLLL: " + ((pageINT-1)*25+1) );
> }
> ...
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