Ok, I got it.
Seems I have to manually refresh the ListView's model. So now it's like below.

I thought it would re-load it between
* onDelete(), which is triggered in AjaxEventBehavior("onclick")#onEvent(),
 * and ListView rendering.

Could someone enlight me pls.


        ListView<ProductCustomField> listView;
add( listView = new ListView<ProductCustomField>("fieldsRows", listModel){
protected void populateItem( final ListItem<ProductCustomField> item ) {
                final ListView thatLV = this;
item.add( new CustomFieldRowPanel("fieldRow", item.getModel()){
                    // Delete icon was clicked.
protected void onDelete( String name, AjaxRequestTarget target ) { Map<String,ProductCustomField> fieldsMap = (Map) CustomFieldsPanel.this.getDefaultModelObject(); //fieldsMap.remove( item.getModelObject().getName() ); // ListView uses indexes -> leads to bad offsets! fieldsMap.remove( name ); // This is more robust. But still, this renders the list before removal...?
                        target.add( CustomFieldsPanel.this ); // Update UI.
                        try {
CustomFieldsPanel.this.onChange( target ); // Persists.
                        } catch (Exception ex){
                            feedbackPanel.error( ex.toString() );

On 01/22/2013 05:54 AM, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
Forgot to write: My problem is that the Map item is deleted, but Wicket renders the given sub-component with the old Map for some reason.
But on next Ajax request, it already uses the new one.
I'm a bit puzzled.

On 01/22/2013 05:49 AM, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
On 01/21/2013 10:52 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

Wicket updates the model with the new value. If this model is shared
between several components then all of them have the new value for free. No
need to notify them.
If you still need to notify then you can use #updateModel() method -
I need to notify when I change the object (model stays the same) in this way:

    private void onProductUpdate( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
        if( target != null )  target.add( this.feedbackPanel );
        try {
            product = productDao.update( product );
            this.info("Product saved.");
            if( target != null )
target.appendJavaScript("window.notifyFlash('Product saved.')");
        } catch( Exception ex ){
this.feedbackPanel.info("Saving product failed: " + ex.toString());

So I basically need to tell Wicket that this and that needs to re-render. Maybe I do the mistake of thinking "Wicket works like Swing which basically works like MFC based on Win32 API", so perhaps I should forget the idea of "invalidating" the model?
Or is updateModel() the way to go here?


CompoundPropertyModel is meant for components which have children. Such
component may have a compound model and all its children can update the
value in the respective branch of this model.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Ondrej Zizka <ozi...@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a component containing a form with many TextFields.
The way it should work is that when changed, the value should be persisted
immediately (no Save button, all through AJAX).

The AJAX calls work fine, the value gets to the model.

The code to save the model (and the entity contained) is in the parent
I thought I would override onModelChanged() to propagate the changes from
the components to the parent.
But onModelChanged() is not called.

Parent has its own model as class member field.
The subcomponents use this:

ReleaseTraitRowPanel( String id, IModel<IHasTraits> relModel, ... ) {
         PropertyModel<String> traitModel = new PropertyModel(
relModel.getObject().**getTraits(), prop);

         EditableLink4 link = new EditableLink4("link", traitModel){
// Pass the change notification to upper level. TODO: Does
Wicket do this automatically?
             @Override protected void onModelChanged() {


How should it be done?
Should I pass the onModelChanged() at all? Or does wicket have some way to
notify the other model of changes?

Related - is CompoundPropertyModel only for forms, or can I use it with
any component? I could use it here - `prop` is the same as id.


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