In the onEvent method, update.getModelObject() is added to the choices 
The collection is not a Set, but a List.
So each time you add an item to choices, you create a new entry.

François Meillet
Formation Wicket - Développement Wicket

Le 16 févr. 2013 à 16:56, grazia <> a écrit :

>       public void onEvent(IEvent<?> event) {
>               super.onEvent(event);
>               if (event.getPayload() instanceof MyUpdate){
>                       MyUpdate update = (MyUpdate)event.getPayload();
>                       Collection choices= this.getChoices();
>                       choices.add(update.getModelObject());
>                       this.getChoices().retainAll(choices);
>                       update.getTarget().add(this);

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