That should work.

Which Wicket version? Is this rendered on an Ajax request?


On 02/22/2013 05:07 PM, Martin Dietze wrote:
I've implemented a live search functionality where after
changes the search results get displayed in a flyout menu.
In the search results I add a css class to the search terms for
highlighting them. This is done in the onRender() method:

| public abstract class LiveSearchResultsFragment extends Fragment {
|   // ...
|   @Override
|   public void onRender() {
|       final Response response = getResponse();
|       // generate JS code
|       JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScript(response, /* my JS code */);

The above class is used to derive Subclasses in different pages
where this functionality is needed.

In the debugger I can see that the method is called and that the
response contains the code I've inserted. However the changes
never make it into the markup which is actually rendered.

Is this kind of thing no longer supported, or *should* it work?



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