Hey all,

I recently started a new project based on our existing Wicket
infrastructure. This infrastructure handles typical web application
requirements like registration, signup, authentication, user management
functionality and is very solid.

One of the main requirements of the new site we are building is a highly
dynamic, public search and browse interface similar to pinterest.com,
fab.com etc. In the past I've been bitten by trying to implement such
solutions in Wicket. Especially things like infinite scrolling, AJAX
animations, etc can be really hard to implement and have a lot of overhead
compared to pure JSON/REST solutions.

So this time I decided to create a hybrid application, half Wicket half
Angular.js where Wicket handles all of the stuff mentioned above but
delegates the content of some pages to a single page Angular application.
My plan is that wicket would still mount the page, provide authentication
and the basic "frame" of the page including menus, headers, and footers.

One of my biggest questions at the moment is how to pull the Angular
application, that has its own git repository, build, test etc into my
Wicket Application. Today I've setup a build that generates a
Webjar<http://www.webjars.org/> that
I could import into my Wicket Application but I'm not 100% sure
that that's the best way to go.

Does anyone of you have any experience with such a setup? Any ideas,
suggestions, warnings?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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