Yikes! You're right. OnError() was called instead of onSubmit(). (Hides 
red face & slinks away...)

From:   Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net>
To:     users@wicket.apache.org
Date:   03/01/2013 12:24 PM
Subject:        Re: AjaxSubmitLink.onSubmit() Not Called in 

Do you have unrendered feedback messages?
Override #onError() and see if it gets invoked.


On 03/01/2013 06:53 PM, Richard W. Adams wrote:
> I created an AjaxSubmitLink in a FormComponent Panel, and set a break
> point in its onSubmit() method. For some reason, the breakpoint never 
> hit when I click the link. I've used an AjaxSubmitLink on a normal,
> non-panel page successfully, and modeled the panelized link after that, 
> am not sure where the problem lies.
> Here's the code where I create the link. The non-functioning break point
> is on the System.out.println() statement.
> private Component createTrackLookupLink(final Form<?> form) {
>          final AjaxSubmitLink link = new AjaxSubmitLink("track-lookup",
> form) {
>                  private static final long serialVersionUID =
> 6256611774949674998L;
>                  @Override protected void onSubmit(final 
> target, final Form<?> form) {
>                          System.out.println("User clicked lookup icon");
>                  }
>          };
>          link.add(new Icon("track-lookup-icon", IconType.LOOKUP));
>          return link;
> }
> I create the link from inside the panel constructor:
> public PointLocationPanel(final String id, final
> IModel<PointFacilityLocation> model, final
>          boolean box, final Collapsible collapsible, final boolean
> editable, final Form<?> form) {
>          super(id, model);
>          setType(PointFacilityLocation.class);
>          setOutputMarkupId(true);
>          final MarkupContainer container = box ? new Box(CONTAINER_ID,
> "Location", collapsible) :
>                  new WebMarkupContainer(CONTAINER_ID);
>          add(container);
>          ...
>          container.add(createTrackLookupLink(form));
> I create the link from inside the panel constructor:
>          final PointLocationPanel panel = new PointLocationPanel(
> SWITCH_LOCATION, propertyModel,
>                  true, Collapsible.EXPANDED, userCanEditData, form);
>          form.add(panel).add(createDetailsBox());
> The enclosing form has its own onSubmit() method. It wouldn't prevent 
> link's onSubmit() method from beign called, would it?
> When I click the link, I see this output in the Wicket Ajax debug 
> INFO: focus set on track_lookup20
> INFO: Using XMLHttpRequest transport
> Initiating Ajax POST request on 
> INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
> INFO: Received ajax response (69 characters)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response></ajax-response>
> INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
> INFO: Response processed successfully.
> INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...
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