Has anything changed in the Wicket 6.x branch with regards to page
instantiation and authentication?

I had code that was working that did the following:

Page page = new MyAuthProtectedPage( someParams, someIModel );

This page was then passed to a RedirectPanel, where I did this in the
Panel's constructor:

add(new AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior( Duration.seconds( 2 ) )
 protected void onTimer( AjaxRequestTarget target )
this.stop( target );
 setResponsePage( webPage );

This was working, and if the page I passed in was protected, then Wicket
intercepted the redirect, showed the login page and allowed authentication,
and then after successful auth, the page I had constructed was shown.  Now
with Wicket 6.7.0 Im hitting exceptions during the initial page
construction - Im getting a RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException during
the constructor.

Any thoughts?


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