Good evening,

Is there a way to have a PageableListView with two rows?

Here is my code:

final PageableListView<Profile> columnListView = new
                "columnListView", secondLine, SearchPage.RESULTS / 2)
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            protected void populateItem(final ListItem<Profile> item)
                final IModel<Profile> p = item.getModel();

                item.add(new ProfilePanel("profile", p));

        this.add(new AjaxPagingNavigator("navigator", columnListView));

It works perfectly well for one line of results, but I'd like to have two
lines of 4 columns instead of one line of 8 columns.

I don't think a DataTable would fit my needs since the ProfilePanel object
is a complex display.

Any help will be much appreciated.



"Un truc bien avec la musique, c'est que quand elle te frappe, tu n'as pas
Alors frappez-moi de musique !
Frappez-moi de musique, maintenant !"

(Bob Marley : "Trenchtown Rock")

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