Set the model object (the date) behind the DateTextField to 00:00:00 JJ.MM.AAAA.

François Meillet
Formation Wicket - Développement Wicket

Le 14 juin 2013 à 07:37, <> a écrit :

> Hello,
> how is the DatePicker binded tot he DateTextfield? How is the picked date 
> written in the Textfield? Is there a possiblilty to change this?
> When the DatePicker have the pattern dd.MM.yyyy there is no problem. But I 
> want the full timestamp with this pattern HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yyyy because the 
> User should be able to change the time. I need one DateTextField because the 
> Client and the server are in different timezones. This works fine. The only 
> problem is when I pick a day the DatePicker writes HH:mm:ss 14.06.2013. But 
> it should be 00:00:00 14.06.2013 for default.
> Is there anyone who could help?
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Christoph Manig
> Systems Engineer
> T-Systems International GmbH
> Systems Integration - SC Travel, Transport & Logistics
> Hoyerswerdaer Str. 18
> 01099 Dresden
> tel.:   +49 (0) 351 / 8152 - 188
> fax:    +49 (0) 351 / 8152 - 209
> email:

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