Hi all,

I have run into the following problem with request logger:

I have a RequestCycleListener which populates MDC (logging mapped
diagnostic context) with some custom properties such as the sessionId, the
userId, and some other stuff. The listener populates the MDC in
onBeginRequest and clears the MDC in onEndRequest.

What happens is that log entries written by the RequestLogger have empty
values for these MDC properties. By digging around I discovered that
RequestLogger.log is called in RequestCycle onInternalDetach() which
happens after onEndRequest(). So the MDC has been cleared before
RequestLogger.log() is called.

I think that my approach which uses a RequestCycleListener to populate and
clear the MDC is valid and that the RequestLogger should be amended to do
the logging before the MDC is cleared (at the latest before

Note that even if the MDC is cleared in RequestCycleListener.onDetach()
this still happens before RequestLogger.log() is called.

Is there something invalid with my approach?

I now have a workaround with a custom RequestLogger which clears the MDC in
log but this is ugly (if you remove the logger you get a leaking MDC). Any
other ideas for workarounds?


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