Yes, read about it at:

IE Specific:


Have a great day,
    Paul Bors

> On Sep 22, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Tom Götz <> wrote:
> No, I don't have tabindex yet. Does this really help the browser in
> determining the next tab?
>   -Tom
> _
>> On 22.09.2013, at 09:54, Martin Grigorov <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can try with Chrome's Dev Tools - Timeline -> Events and Profile ->
> CPU.
>> Maybe one of those will show what is the reason.
>> Do you have tabindex on the form elements ?
>>> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Tom Götz <> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I've got a performance problem when navigating through form elements
> using
>>> the tab key. This issue is not directly wicket related, but maybe
> someone
>>> could point me into the right direction how to analyze/improve the
>>> situation:
>>> we're using a tabpanel to render several tabs (~8-10) containing lots
> of
>>> form components. Tab-switiching is done client-side only, so there's no
>>> ajax roundtrip. Now if you focus one of the form components and hit the
>>> 'tab' key to skip to the next form element, there's a noticeable delay
> of
>>> ~200-400ms, although there's no ajax involved. Could this be related to
> the
>>> amount of form components displayed, i.e. does it take that long for
> the
>>> browser to calculate/determine which element to focus next?
>>> How could I determine the cause for the delay?
>>> Cheers,
>>>  -Tom
> <winmail.dat>

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