On 2013-11-19 08:44, Martin Grigorov wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you can use IModel<String> for the dropdown. This will be the
> country code.
> The transformation from id to name and back (if needed) can be moved to a
> custom IChoiceRenderer. There you have access to the current locale for
> each rendering.
> CountryChoiceRenderer can delegate the actual work to
> CountryDatabase/CountryProvider/...

Thanks Martin for your reply!

Using your suggestions I was able to simplify the Wicket code to two
classes: a custom DropDownChoice and a renderer. As a drawback I had to
optimize/cache query in my service returning country name by ID/code.

One thing is not clear for me. How can I get a current locale in
CountryChoiceRenderer (without pass it from my DropDownChoice component)?


> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Marcin Zajączkowski <msz...@wp.pl> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Working on Wicket frontend for AppFuse I had to implement a drop down
>> choice of countries. I did it, but don't like the solution and I wonder
>> if it could be done easier/prettier?
>> Issues:
>> 1. In domain model there is a country represented as a String field (a
>> country code) in an address class. In my Wicket component I wanted to
>> use a Country class with a code and name. It forced me to create
>> CountryDropDownChoice component which embed String model into Country
>> model(with EmbeddedCountryModel):
>> public class CountryDropDownChoice extends DropDownChoice<Country> {
>>     public CountryDropDownChoice(String id, PropertyModel<String>
>> country, Locale locale) {
>>         super(id, new EmbeddedCountryModel(country, locale), new
>> CountriesModel(locale), new ChoiceRenderer<>("name", "locale"));
>>     }
>> }
>> with a call in my panel/fragment:
>> add(new CountryDropDownChoice("country", new
>> PropertyModel<String>(getDefaultModel(), "country"), getLocale()));
>> 2. I would like to have country names depending on current user locales.
>> I don't have access to Session in a model and there for I needed to pass
>> current locale to both models (they call CountryService implemented as
>> String bean using given locale). Could it be simplified?
>> My files:
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-countrydropdownchoice-java
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-countriesmodel-java
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-embeddedcountrymodel-java
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-country-java
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-usereditpanel-java-L19
>> https://gist.github.com/szpak/b5c5ae36e7d170f3676c#file-javalocalecountryservice-java
>> Thanks in advance
>> Marcin

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