Hi Wicket gurus,

We are trying to implement JSON RPC in Wicket. At first we had made a WebPage 
that would respond with application/json... However, we hit a problem here that 
Wicket parses the parameters of POST requests and puts them in the 
PageParameters map. From there we can get to the parameters, but it seems the 
order of the parameters is lost. Furthermore when we get the request 
inputstream, it is empty already because Wicket ate it up... So we have no way 
of getting the parameters in the order in which they were passed...

So we looked for solutions and found this StackOverflow posting suggesting to 
make a Resource instead:
(also see 

In principle this is ok for us... However there is one caveat; it seems that it 
is not possible in Wicket 6.x to have a resource being authorized. Also see 
this Wicket issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5012

We are using Container Managed Authentication. This means the container will 
intercept all traffic to 'secured' URLs and send them to a login page. This is 
fine for us. However I did notice from debugging that not all code is run when 
the destination is a Resource that would be run if it was a Page. There is some 
authorization logic skipped in Wicket that would have run if it was a 
WebPage... Again this is not really a problem for us, but it does bring up one 
question: Is it ok to use the Wicket session from a Resource?

Let me show some code:

public class PnWebServiceResource extends AbstractResource
  // ...

  @Override protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes 
    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) 

    // Getting a Reader to the request inputstream works. The reader can get 
the data of the post request.
    // We could not get this to work when we were extending WebPage instead of 
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(aHttpServletRequest.getInputStream());

    WebSession session = WebSession.get();    // <-- Is this safe???

    // At this point we use the session. It seems to work for now, but is this 
    // Or maybe we are just 'lucky' that we get the right session here?

The first lines show how we extend from AbstractResource instead of from 
WebPage. Then, in newResourceResponse, we can get access to the raw POST body 
from the HTTP request as long as we specify a mount path without any parameters 
in it. However, a couple of lines later we access the WebSession and we are 
wondering whether that is save?

Also, are we maybe following the wrong approach? Is it possible to make a 
WebPage that can access the raw POST body of the request? Or maybe just get the 
PageParameters in a way that guarantees the order is exactly how it was in the 
POST body? The reason the order is important is that we are trying to do RPC to 
a Java method and in Java the order of the method arguments is the only info we 
have at runtime. The names of the arguments are not known. So we need to be 
sure that the parameters are sent to the Java method in the same order as they 
were listed in the request. Afaik, Wicket's PageParameters do not guarantee 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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