Hi all,

I have a Wicket 6 application that integrates with Apache FOP in a way
that, by overriding Page's getMarkupType(), I can have a component render
its .fo markup (to generate a PDF) instead of the usual html, depending on
whether it is added to a Page with the fo MarkupType or the standard html

This means my typical Panel has two markup files, an html one and a fo one:
Panel.fo and Panel.html.

Now, the default CashingResourceStreamLocator makes use of
ResourceReference#Key for the cache. That Key completely ignores the
extension of the file or, better, assumes it is part of the name, while for
markup files this is apparently not the case. Basically, Panel.html and
Panel.fo have the same Key, the name of which is simply "Panel".

Therefore, when a Panel is first rendered in html, its html markup
reference is cached and there is no way to make it render again in fo,
because the cache will always return the html markup reference.

The solution is not dramatic but makes me feel uncomfortable: I had to
write a custom CashingResourceStreamLocator clone, using a custom Key that
is basically a ResourceReference#Key with an added "extension" property.

What am I missing here?

Thanks very much for you help and keep up the excellent work,
Fabio Fioretti

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